Iron Back Odyssey: Seat's on Dulwich is looming.... April 10, 2016 01:03

After a short break for Easter it’s back with renewed vigour.

I’m determined to finish the chair in time for Dulwich Open House - this year May 7,8 and 14, 15.  Info here!

It feels like progress - I’m onto the seat and have webbed it with jute webbing which I prefer. It’s a tight squeeze to get the webs on at the back as it narrows so much.

 Iron Back Odyssey

I position the springs which are stitched to the webbing to keep them in position.

 Iron Back Odyssey

The springs are then lashed thoroughly to make a firm shaped base for the seat. This takes longer than expected as holding the springs down under tension while trying to tie a clove knot with one hand doesn’t come easily.

 Iron Back Odyssey

I’m finally happy with the firmness and shape of the springs and the base of the seat is created by covering the springs with hessian and again stitching the springs to the hessian.

 Iron Back Odyssey
It’s now time for the first stuffing which is done with coconut fibre to give a good base. The fibre  needs teasing out which leaves my hands filthy but with lots of regulating I get a good feeling seat.


Helen has been keeping us updated on the progress of her Iron Back armchair which will be on show (and for sale!) during the


7-8 MAY & 14-15 MAY

This is our fifth year at Val's beautiful Victorian house which she kindly allows us to fill with chairs for you.